Our News


What a wonderful event it was! The Annual CHRISTMAS TEA brought together women from all walks of life for an unforgettable evening of fellowship over tea. The men of Answer in Jesus Church served with grace and generosity, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

But the highlight of the evening was the powerful word from God that we heard. It was a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, and the incredible love that God has for us. We left feeling inspired, encouraged, and uplifted.

We're grateful for the opportunity to come together as a church community and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Whether you're a long-time member or a newcomer, you're always welcome at our events and activities.

We hope you'll join us again soon for our next event and continue to be a part of the Answer in Jesus Church family. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our mission. Together, we can make a difference in the world and bring hope and the Light of the Gospel to those in need.
2023-02-10 00:41 EN